Staying Safe and Healthy in the Heat: A Guide for Older Adults

As the Australian summer brings soaring temperatures, everyone, especially older adults, faces the risk of heat-related illnesses. This article includes essential tips and resources to ensure your health and safety during these hot months.


For more information, you can also visit the Victorian Department of Health - Beter Health Channel online:



Who is Most at Risk?


Everyone is at risk of heat-induced illness during the summer, however some groups are particularly vulnerable.


These include people over 65 years old, and those in the following groups specifically:



Key Steps to Stay Healthy in the Heat:


There are several things you can do to stay safe in the heat and reduce your risk of heat-related illness.


These include:



Unplanned Power Outages:


Be aware that power outages can occur during hot weather or heatwaves. If you rely on power for medical equipment or cooling, have a backup plan.


If you are dependent on power for medical equipment, speak with you Aunty Grace Care Manager to discuss strategies to minimise the risk of power outages.


Managing the risk of heat-related illness in the Australia summer is crucial, especially for older adults and other vulnerable groups. By following these guidelines, you can significantly reduce the risk of heat-related illnesses and enjoy a safer, healthier summer.


Other Resources:


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